Monday, February 27, 2006

Bode Miller Backlash

Don't believe the hype!

Damn Bode Miller and Nancy Reagan!

Just when you think it is safe to start partying again there goes Bode "puking it all up" (his brilliant description of a good workout, not mine)! Finally, a refreshing athlete willing to tell it like it is, "role model" behavior be damned! So I am rooting for him, hoping his shameless thumbing his nose at traditional training regiments will be rewarded with ample bounties of gold and green- and so inspire the next generation of skiers to all be Betty Ford alums before (if) reaching high school graduation. With Bode's influences, Sonny Bono and the Kennedy's won't have a corner on the market for skiing into tree incidents! But alas, Bode, like his unfinished(?) beers before a race preparation, has gone flat. No longer will the crazy guy at the office strive to be the "Bode Miller" of the team- pulling out a win despite his slack attitude. Instead, when that guy disqualifies himself, or just can't make it to the finish line, someone else will get to shine, becoming the "Emily Hughes" of the watercooler crowd.

Where Bode once stood a chance to become the Dean Martin of skiing, now he's just become the "Spiccoli" of the slopes.

Monday, February 13, 2006

the winter olympics

Too bad Kanye West isn't a luger, FEMA doesn't sponsor the bobsled (well, on second thought, that may not be such a good idea given their track record for getting things done on time), or that Mrs. Gretzky didn't gamble (and if she did Wayne would still claim he did nothing wrong) on if the Olympic torch would blow out before reaching the final cauldron, because right now the Olympics, and NBC chiefly, really needs something to put this event on anyone’s radar (besides my own). This year’s winter Olympics are virtually invisible here in the USA. Is it ironic that Italy needs snow and publicity and doesn’t get it and then a blizzard socks in the Northeast and receives most of the weekend news coverage? Even the host city’s name is shrouded in mystery; what do we call the city? Could this be one of the secrets yet to be revealed in the da Vinci Code? …is it Turin or Turino? Isn’t it true that an Olympic called by any other name should smell as sweet? I guess it doesn't matter if no one is talking about it. So, if an Olympic is held and Katie Couric isn't there to cover it, does it make a noise?

Is it too late to recruit Dick Cheney for the biathlon? Where’s the scandal (Tonya vs. Nancy), the intrigue (is Bode skiing drunk, again), or the sheer drama (Michelle Kwan, again) that lures an audience? I guess that is all over on Fox’s, “American Idol”.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

On my radar: the music scene

Oh lordy how it is hip to be square!

For only the second time in his career has Barry Manilow found himself in the hottest spot north of Havana, and no, that is not on American Idol! Mr. Manilow has nailed down the #1 album in the country! Straight from the stage of "Dancing with the Stars" to the top of the pops! Wonder what your folks were doing late last night? It wasn't yawning through the Grammy Awards; they were sneaking out and getting the latest "lp" by Bette Midler's original piano man! What's next, Rod Stewart singing the classics volume 5 to the number spot?

As for the Grammy's, is it redundant to say the princess has no clothes? Despite 8 nominations, Mimi walked with only 3.a far cry from what many were dubbing "the comeback night for Mariah." Is it safe to say the voters actually saw through this middling Mimi cd and overwhelming publicity frenzy and gave the kudos where proper kudo's were due? Maybe Mimi and the Grammy's just don't belong together.

Who knows, maybe next year's Grammy's will be the "comeback for the Copa!"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

On my Radar: The Grammy's

I have accepted the fact that although God is a Seahawk’s fan, what really mattered was which religion were the referee’s? I’ll try not to cry over: dropped passes, bad calls and missed opportunities, and instead look forward to tonight’s Grammy Awards, where I can expect, like in any other championship competition: bad fashion, name dropping, and awards malfunctions: “the giving of an award to the wrong person”!

Just like in football, celebrities also seem fit to thank god for everything that happens in their life. So, when (and you know it is going to happen) that Emancipated Mimi thanks god, is she really believing god thought she was more deserving than Mary J Blige (is god tone-deaf?)? Will we see any camera shots of the losers thanking god, since he made them lose? It just makes me wonder if god is a Kayne West and hip-hop fan. WWJLT? What would Jesus listen to….if he were tuning in the radio these days, or is he part of the Sirus Network?

Sadly, I fear there won’t be much drama on the Grammy’s this year, because of the aforementioned Mariah, so if you want to see what she squeezes herself into, go ahead and watch, with a mix of horror and amazement, “did David Copperfield help make that dress?” For the real drama switch over to LOST!