A slight lapse of reason found me watching "The Girls Next Door" last night. First off, they do not live next door to me...there's not that much peroxide and kaolin in the south to keep those 3 in their "natural color."
I think there are quarries of granite that have higher IQ's than these 3 put together, but obviously, smarts aren't their best attributes. Actually, two of them don't seem to be that dumb, it's just that one, Kendra, is so ABSOLUTELY dumb, she drags the others down, or, maybe she makes them look brighter...you choose!
So the "concept" is film the 3 girls Hugh Hefner dates and see what happens when women wear little or no clothes all day. I think that's about it. Oh wait, they pose for photographers and plan Hef's day...wow!!! How do they juggle it all and stay so blond? Oh, wait, Bridget showed her parent the striptease she had planned for Hef's 80th B-day. It was only SLIGHTLY creepy watching the girl's dad watch his daughter strip down to pasties and panties then clap enthusiastically. You gotta think there's something going through proud pops head thinking, "a man older than me is getting this...lucky SOB! Oh, that's MY daughter!"
Now Hef; there's someone who keeps Viagra's stock "surging". This show, in it's THIRD season (where have I been?) is like a train wreck, but so easy to gawk at! And the irony of it all...apparently the demographics skewer to a gay male audience, considering the ads shown during the episode were for gay men's chat lines...I guess I was supposed to be watching it all along!
Ok, I must say that I love that you wrote this post. I am so addicted to that stupid show and I have no clue as to why (Yes...I even TiVo it). I think it's the train wreck thing. I can't help myself. Kendra is the biggest dipshit in the world. the things that come out of her mouth make me cringe in embarrassment. You have no idea. And I think Holly pretends to be "stupider" than she really is.
I totally saw that episode where Bridget's dad (or was it her step-dad) watched her strip tease. Awkward!! yeah, he was kind of perving out a bit while watching his daughter getting nekkid!
And I never really thought about the gay chat line ads during the commercials, but now that you mention it...you're right! There are! Too funny.
I totally agree that holly is smarter than she is letting on- she seems to be the matron of the Big Love-esque clan.
I watch that show too occasionally. I second (or third?) the comment that Holly isn't as dumb as she pretends.
My 3 year old son was up with us (he sleepwalks, has nightmares, and is pretty much nocturnal) once when we were watching it, and I turned to my husband and asked if he thought we should turn it off. I had no idea anyone else watched it (or would admit to it)
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