The Osmond clan is everywhere these days- why?
We've got Mit Romney running for President, "Big Love" is an HBO hit and Jeffer's is in jail; in other famous words of Tina Turner, "we don't need another Mormon!" Okay, not another Mormon without some merit, at least!
Donnie and Marie have become as ubiquitous as "Umbrella" was during the summer months, but at least that song was ferschizzle! The Osmond's reappearance into the media world is about as welcome as a pair of high heels in Ellen's shoe closet! Somehow Donnie was shanghaied for ET(exploitation television) and now they are stuffing him down our throat as THE "Dancing with the Stars" expert. Blah Blah Blah! I wish Oprah was eating more, she could have scarfed down half of the family on her special show and still barely made a dent in the numbers!
My special hope is that Marie gets voted off the show and then, **poof** they are gone, but...given the Mormon Nation, she's gonna win...a foreshadowing of the Republican nomination?
Ever since they voted off Sabrina (the real winner) I have been in a most Scissor Sister's mood about the show and Donnie and Marie everywhere has only exacerbated it..."I don't feel like Dancing, no sir no dancing today!"
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