Friday, November 30, 2007

A HILL-arious spoof!


Airam said...

OMG OMG that was too funny!! The facial expressions were killer!

brandy said...

I think I might actually watch TOO much hills because when I watched this, I was like, how come Audrina isn't wearing more eyeliner? And Justin Bobby doesn't talk that much, he just grunts. And burps. But this is funny. And a reminder that I need to stop watching that show. Or at least, cut back to the point that I don't know so much about the characters.

megabrooke said...

oh i love it. good ole' justin bobby and his wonderous HOH.
he really freaks me out.

brandy, keep watching. id miss our tuesday tearing apart of the show-emails otherwise.

EF said...

Hey Ladies- It's Hills night again!
Brandy, don't stop...I'd hate for you to miss a witty reference (obviously it won't be attributed to Heidi or Justin Bobby...).
Airam, I thought Mila did a spot on Audrina...
And Brookem...HOH? More like a nest!

megabrooke said...

JB's HOH is a nest. A total mess.
Um, how about the fact that next week is the season finale?! What the hell will I look forward to Mondays for now? Sunday there is a "Lauren Looks Back" special on. I'll DVR that shit.

brandy said...

I'm nervous for this 'Lauren looks back' bit. I'm scared it's going to be too over the top on the lame one-liners. Like 'I want to forgive you and I want to forget you'. They really need to get someone else to say those sorts of lines, it never comes out sincere from Lauren.

On a related note... you know what scares me? (other than the fact that I have so many opinions on the hills), that justin bobby actually got girls. Like, MORE than one girl wanted to be with him. I just... I don't know if I want to live in a world where that kind of thing happens, you know?

egan said...

Remind me again why I should watch The Hills.

EF said...

Instead of Lauren looking back, the producers should have commissioned Lo and Whitney to do a dating advice show- they are keeping Lauren in-check! What's up with the lip ring for Audrina's boy (Chris)? That was so distracting til I figured out what it was...I fear the season finale too- must be the writer's strike has hurt the show..;-)