"Five women doing more damage to Atlanta than Sherman did on his March to the Sea!"
Atlanta, a city developed because of the trains that went through the city, seems the most aptly located of the "Real Housewives" series because they are in fact, a horrific train wreck; in the words of Shirley and Company, "shame! shame! shame!"
The women wealthy enough to "qualify" for this faux-ensemble go from dreadful to do-well, with the cast a bit heavier on the dreadful.
First up is "ILoveNewYork"- I swore last we saw Tiffany she was heading to LA to make it big, but apparently she wasn't on someones guest-list and landed in Atlanta instead. Irony number one, "guest lists"; these women would be nothing without one, because they just aren't that important (to anyone but themselves), bemoan the need for one and then use them to feel important. Not content to be embarassed at a party she (shows up to Flava-flav's pad,) oops I mean goes to sons college and embarrasses him to no end on tour of campus visit, DFCS calling.
"She-Devil in Shoes", character number 2 (who couldn't break herself away from her shoes long enough to help her daughter open a car door- I hope a DFCS rep and her ex's lawyer is watching!) throws herself a party with a strict guest list then mumbles the next day about all "the randoms" she had in her house- nice touch, bitch; ILOVENYC couldn't get in but randoms could...
Then there's tragic "Trisha Yawnwood", sadly having to grow-up "
middle class" and hoping her kids don't suffer like she did (guess Obama won't get her vote), so she throws an 18K party for her(self), 11 year old daughter. DFCS action number 2: Mom leaves squealing little girls in hotel room while hitting the bar by 2pm. Irony number two: only mommy needed the expensive party to feel self-important, her daughter wishes "not everything was such a big deal" but spending money means she is loved, so spend Mommy must (note: has a sugar-daddy off-screen taking care of her till she makes it big in country music...she's close to making it big in something, but I wouldn't say c-o-u-n-t-r-y...maybe drop a letter or two.
"Charity Lady" seems pretty cool and grounded, one of two who seem to pull their own weight and do something besides spend other's money. She can't seem to hire well and might be inflating her ego a tad with the "high profile" label she puts on her family. Yeah the hubby is in sports, but so are like a thousand other men; unless your last name is Bryant, Hill or Brady...your not that high profile. And her assessment about "making it" because with their wealth there aren't racial issues of whites and blacks- wow. Irony number 3. The color that speaks is green baby. Don't fool yourself into calling it acceptance; money wouldn't matter if it were true acceptance- but apparently, at their level, it still does.
"Ivana" is the best of the group, pulling her weight, selling real estate and letting her hubby take care of her when she's sick; Have I not seen her drop a dime so far? Wow! Irony #4- not spending and still on the show!
What Bravo is introducing the rest of the world to is A-town's unique form of trash, bruised and sour peaches all made up, but ugly underneath, and infanticide, mothers who will eat their own for TV time and shoes, they make the Kardashians look classy...bless their hearts.