Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tuesday's with Cupid

Looks who’s sleeping in the Barq-o-lounger! Grumpy old Cupid has finally nodded off after working his tail off to get out all those Valentine’s. His fingers and arms are covered in bandages—way too many paper cuts from all those cards he had to deliver and “prickings” from the thorns on those roses. Just to correct the song, “every rose had about 50 thorns!” next time go with Tulips!
Poor tuckered-out Cupid is in a chocolate-induced coma! It appears this year there weren’t nearly as many “in-love” couples as expected so Cupid had to eat all the excess! If he would have just listened to the Easter Bunny, and saved those damned receipts, he wouldn’t have been in this mess! Godiva does not accept returned items with bites taken out of them or without receipts- end of story! Cupid is stuck with all them extra boxes of chocolate—where’s Forrest Gump when you need him? Having leftover chocolates may not seem so dire to the average chocolate fan, but it doesn’t stop there! What about the kinky clothing? When you take into account that Cupid doesn’t have any receipts for his other Valentine’s purchases, it means he is walking around in women’s underwear from today till next year—all courtesy of Victoria’s Secret strict no-return policy! You’d think he would learn his lesson by now—but hey, he’s a man!
Yes, for many, it was just another day of telling that special someone just how much you love them, but for Cupid, it was a job. One might say a “labour of love”, but I think he cusses too much to call it love…it’s a job!

Happy belated Valentines.

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