Thursday, September 08, 2005

Confessions from the Jury Box

Free at last!

It appears that men aren’t the only ones who lie about length and duration; the government does it too!
After being selected for jury duty and being told it would only take 3-4 days, we just wrapped the cases, 3 weeks later!
Tuesdays have come and gone, and come and gone again, and yet there I was, still listening to a case that really hammers home the lesson, “leave your ex’s alone and don’t come to their home…or someone is gonna die!” Hhmm, I don’t remember that as one of the lessons in “Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” but it is a good one to remember! Maybe I should petition public schools systems to add that “nugget of learning” into the 5-grade sex ed. curriculum!

With the case decided, I can share that it was a murder case (and what “an honor it was” to be selected foreman and have to say “guilty” four times). If only we could have had Jessica Fletcher or Jonathan and Jennifer Hart present I am sure it would have gone faster- they always seemed to be able to solve crimes in a nifty 60 minutes. After witnessing the whole process first-hand, I realized that when people “in the know” refer to the “wheels of justice going ‘round”, they are actually talking about Fred Flintstone’s feet! That’s how fast things moved! Even F.E.M.A. acts faster!

So, my lesson learned was, pick the county you live in wisely! If you ever end up on the wrong side of the law, that ex-drug-dealing granny who lives down the street just might be deemed “your peer” and show up in the jury box, deciding your fate! Sleep well with that fact!

See ya on Tuesday!

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