Tuesday, May 30, 2006

on my radar: nobel oprah?

There is a push to get Ms. Winfrey the 2006 Nobel Prize for Peace.

That's nice and everything, but unless she can film the ceremony for a TV special, to be aired at a later date, on ABC, and NOT be bumped for a presidential speech, I don't think it will be a go. Would Halle Berry star as Oprah?

She could invite musical guests (and past nominee's) Bono and Bob Geldoff to serenade her, but don't think for a moment that Fiddy cent, Ice Cube, or Ludarcis will be there in the audience- those seats will be saved for the, "rich white older ladies that she caters to.." or so the latest hip-hop rumor goes. And actually, it'd be Rachel Ray who'd do the catering.

The real question is, does Oprah deserve it? Kristie Alley, live from her newly remodeled home (and Jenny Craig body) says yes! All those folks who have driven away in new car say yes! Dr. Phil says, "now wait just a minute...err, Yes!" Infact, outside of hip-hop stars, Texas beef cattlers, and Hermes employees, all the world says yes! Get off the couch Tom, we see you support her.

Screw "The Color Purple" Tony nominations, just give Oprah the Nobel Peace Prize!

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