Tuesday, June 13, 2006

on my radar: hurricane season

Hurricane Season: Does this refer to:

A) Carolina’s Hurricane’s going for the Stanley Cup?
B) Fans of U of Miami cheering on football’s spring training?
C) Something FEMA dreads?
D) Something to do with something not sports or weather related.
E) Happy Hour in New Orleans

The answer is C.

While the rest of the world was basking in the glow of the golden child (Shiloh Pitt) or rooting for their World Cup team, something snuck up the west coast of Florida. No, it’s not Katherine Harris in a new makeover, it Alberto, the first named storm of the 2006 season! This is what puzzles me more than the career of Lindsay Lohan; after such a nasty season last year, hasn't anyone learned how to better predict storms? How does a storm go from not even being called a storm (just a depression- how sad!) yesterday to a virtual hurricane less than 24 hours later? The folks at the Weather Channel seriously doubted that the depression would even reach storm status yesterday…now they are flying the red flags.

Wouldn't it be nice if all of our jobs allowed for the same type of variance when it comes to getting our work done accurately: the realtor who sells you a small condo when you have five kids, the doctor who amputates the whole finger to get at that nasty hang nail, the maintenance man who claims the hotel hot tub was just cleaned and you find a hairball in the drain, or the florist who sends the wrong flowers to wrong address. Why do we have to be so exact? Why don’t they? Is their pay on a sliding-scale based on accuracy?

I've always loved meteors, maybe I should look into becoming a meteorologist!

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