Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not Necessarily the News

Ann Curry did a great job interviewing somebody on Monday- but you'll never hear much about it. Instead, we are being fed, ad naseum, information on the Roker-Speidi interview feud...that no one wants to care about but everyone keeps reporting on it (chalk one up, make that 12, up to the Speidi's for hanging around in the media spotlight waaaayyy tooo long- some things are best left in the jungles of Costa Rica).
A country is close to toppling it's old-time government by virtue of a recent election, and about the only reason you will know about it is the fact that there has been blood shed during the riots that have taken place since the elections were completed. Otherwise, the only turmoil that is generating any coverage is the one between Palin and Letterman and that's about as ridiculous a topic to debate over as Sarah's pedicure (oh yeah, that's getting coverage too...).

Any one hear a good North Korea joke lately? They are about to be a huge threat with their recent advancements in arms development, but you wouldn't know much about that because John skipped Kate's birthday celebration, and that is the war everyone is googling to learn more about.

The way things are headed, about the only way Obama will get any attention paid to health care reform is to have Miley Cyrus tweet about it and "missing someone" (who died from a lack of health care). Fortunately, we the audience won't be duped, we've been told by every media outlet already she's just upset about a Justin/Jonas issue.

Perhaps Nero fiddled why Rome burnt because he was unable to distinguish between the music and the emergency? or he had TMZ on too loud? Oh, no, it was just that Adam Lambert was the lead story...

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