Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hughes? Hughes? Hughes?

For many, the day "the Earth stood still", was merely a month ago when Michael Jackson was declared dead (and not the Keanu movie remake), as I have made clear, that day was not so tragic in my eyes- he'd been a ghost of himself for over a decade; but the news today, of another 80's icon passing, did bum me out.

During a walk in Central Park, director John Hughes suffered a fatal heart attack.

If MJ provided the music to many people's childhood, John Hughes provided the movies. Growing up with the Breakfast Club (and desiring to start my own, only not detention-themed), the fear of being forgotten on my sweet 16, left home alone while the family vacations (I guess there's a plus for staycations) or crashing my father's car after skipping school (like I got to drive!), John Hughes wrote and directed the movies my generation was raised on. Too bad he had "Curly Sue" as his last effort, but where would "The Office" be if JH hadn't helped find Steve Carroll?

At least his efforts will forever (don't you worry about us forgetting about you, don't don't don't) be available via Blockbuster Netflixs.

Perhaps fitting, what came to mind when I heard of his death, were lyrics to an old OMD song from "Pretty in Pink", "If You Leave".

"...We’ve always had time on our sides
Now it’s fading fast
Every second, every moment
We’ve got to, We’ve got to make it last..."

Thanks for the movies, Mr Hughes...


Ben said...

Just read that this morning on another blog. Sad news...

SM said...

This saddened me when I heard about it. Pretty much ALL of my favorite movies are written by John Hughes.