Sunday, March 12, 2006

Domestic Disputes

Although the government seems to have extracted itself from turbulent waters (or ports to be more exact) in the last few days, there still seems to be an alarming rise in domestic disputes going on.

No one blinks when you hear about Bobby Brown being arrested, AGAIN, these days. The fact thats he's got more mug shots of him than a 4A high school has of students is what should be disturbing! The question about his latest incident is how in the world could he go for over 14 years from the time of the crime to finally being arrested for it? He's not Houdini, he's not low profile, and he doesn't play off as being all that bright; so is it the police we blame? If it's the police, and they can't even catch up with Bobby Brown, how do we expect them to sniff out terrorists? Suddenly I don't feel so safe any more! Thank you very much Bobby!

And what about Yanni? I had to read that twice! "Yanni held in a domestic violence dispute". What did he do, abuse her with boredom and pan flutes? Is playing too much elevator music in the kitchen akin to assault with a dull object? Why do I see throw pillows, long wavy white shirts, and smoldering incense candles as part of the crime scene?

And then you get news that David Hasselhoff is at it too! What did he do, make his wife watch "Baywatch" and listen to his cd's? Did he snap when she mixed his red life guard shorts with her whites and turned everything pink? Or did she just tell him he was lame and he couldn't handle it?

Maybe the new line of thinking is, "if Cheney can do it, why can't I?...I mean, I didn't use a gun.

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