Monday, February 27, 2006

Bode Miller Backlash

Don't believe the hype!

Damn Bode Miller and Nancy Reagan!

Just when you think it is safe to start partying again there goes Bode "puking it all up" (his brilliant description of a good workout, not mine)! Finally, a refreshing athlete willing to tell it like it is, "role model" behavior be damned! So I am rooting for him, hoping his shameless thumbing his nose at traditional training regiments will be rewarded with ample bounties of gold and green- and so inspire the next generation of skiers to all be Betty Ford alums before (if) reaching high school graduation. With Bode's influences, Sonny Bono and the Kennedy's won't have a corner on the market for skiing into tree incidents! But alas, Bode, like his unfinished(?) beers before a race preparation, has gone flat. No longer will the crazy guy at the office strive to be the "Bode Miller" of the team- pulling out a win despite his slack attitude. Instead, when that guy disqualifies himself, or just can't make it to the finish line, someone else will get to shine, becoming the "Emily Hughes" of the watercooler crowd.

Where Bode once stood a chance to become the Dean Martin of skiing, now he's just become the "Spiccoli" of the slopes.

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