Wednesday, February 08, 2006

On my Radar: The Grammy's

I have accepted the fact that although God is a Seahawk’s fan, what really mattered was which religion were the referee’s? I’ll try not to cry over: dropped passes, bad calls and missed opportunities, and instead look forward to tonight’s Grammy Awards, where I can expect, like in any other championship competition: bad fashion, name dropping, and awards malfunctions: “the giving of an award to the wrong person”!

Just like in football, celebrities also seem fit to thank god for everything that happens in their life. So, when (and you know it is going to happen) that Emancipated Mimi thanks god, is she really believing god thought she was more deserving than Mary J Blige (is god tone-deaf?)? Will we see any camera shots of the losers thanking god, since he made them lose? It just makes me wonder if god is a Kayne West and hip-hop fan. WWJLT? What would Jesus listen to….if he were tuning in the radio these days, or is he part of the Sirus Network?

Sadly, I fear there won’t be much drama on the Grammy’s this year, because of the aforementioned Mariah, so if you want to see what she squeezes herself into, go ahead and watch, with a mix of horror and amazement, “did David Copperfield help make that dress?” For the real drama switch over to LOST!

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