Monday, February 13, 2006

the winter olympics

Too bad Kanye West isn't a luger, FEMA doesn't sponsor the bobsled (well, on second thought, that may not be such a good idea given their track record for getting things done on time), or that Mrs. Gretzky didn't gamble (and if she did Wayne would still claim he did nothing wrong) on if the Olympic torch would blow out before reaching the final cauldron, because right now the Olympics, and NBC chiefly, really needs something to put this event on anyone’s radar (besides my own). This year’s winter Olympics are virtually invisible here in the USA. Is it ironic that Italy needs snow and publicity and doesn’t get it and then a blizzard socks in the Northeast and receives most of the weekend news coverage? Even the host city’s name is shrouded in mystery; what do we call the city? Could this be one of the secrets yet to be revealed in the da Vinci Code? …is it Turin or Turino? Isn’t it true that an Olympic called by any other name should smell as sweet? I guess it doesn't matter if no one is talking about it. So, if an Olympic is held and Katie Couric isn't there to cover it, does it make a noise?

Is it too late to recruit Dick Cheney for the biathlon? Where’s the scandal (Tonya vs. Nancy), the intrigue (is Bode skiing drunk, again), or the sheer drama (Michelle Kwan, again) that lures an audience? I guess that is all over on Fox’s, “American Idol”.

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