Tuesday, August 01, 2006

on my radar: fashion

The devil may wear Prada, but does he look good in it?

Just because Prada makes a $350, non-waterproof, square cut swim suit, does it really mean it should be worn at every aquatic/sunbathing social function? Me thinks not! Or the southern equivalent: owning a cowboy hat is one thing, wearing it all the time is a no-no! And to combine the two “styles” into one look…Edith Head is rolling over in her grave! Thou shalt not dress with a “devil may care” attitude! Fashion waits for no one, she barely explains herself, and rarely does she fit!

There's a huge difference between owning fashion and knowing fashion! I see those Olsen twins on the sidelines of the catwalks all the time, but when they go walking about town wearing grannies handmade afghan blanket as a shawl, it don't make it right! And even if you stuck a Marc Jacobs label on it, thou shalt not make it vogue! Lil' Kim (or, more appropriately Mo'Kim) is a fixture at FashionWeek, but like trying to place a magnet onto enamel, fashion sense just don't stick to her- about the only thing that does are pasties and gangsters. She has pushed fashion backwards in the same way that Calista Flockhart pushes her chair away from a buffet.

So with all this turmoil about what the devil is wearing, just remember,” what looks good to one may not look good on another”…case in point alligator; so ugly in the wild, but so chic on a catwalk…

1 comment:

E said...

How in the world have I missed your blog, after all we've been through?