Tuesday, October 24, 2006

on my radar: pact with the devil

Assessing the landscape of current events and pop culture it appears that there is a new Dorian Grey in our midst's, or is it better to reference this person as the Faust of our day? He can, seemingly, do no wrong and yet everyone who has been around him and left his company, can do no right; one might become suspicious that the devil might be at play with this young'ens career (no, I'm not referring to the creator of Ugg's or a certain "adopted" Malawian child). Has Justin Timberlake sold his soul to the Prada wearing devil for a golden career?

Justin Timberlake seems impervious to misfortune: he's got a hit song and cd, has a hot $20 million-dollar babe of a girlfriend, has several movies coming out, a clothing line, and can even start imitating Wacko-Jacko and not be ridiculed!!! What gives?

Let's look at the facts, while he thrives, his ex's barely survive:

Britney, now with K-joke, enough said.
NSYNC? Where they go? Out of step I'd say.
Lance Bass: first he can't get a shuttle ride to the moon, now he's gay (not that there's anything wrong with it) and stuck with money/publicity hungry Reichen.
And let's not forget Janet (although much of the world appears to have...) On public TV he gets to second base with her and now she can't even get a hit. While Justin has the world singing "Sexyback", Janet's wishing someone would help get her career back.

So you tell me, is it all coincidence, or is there devil's play in God's country?

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