Monday, October 16, 2006

on my radar: wham's rap

Rep. Mark Foley denies having written any emails to George Michael. This comes after claims that George Michael was simply awaiting a text message back from Rep. Foley when he fell asleep at the wheel of his car, in a suburb of Northern London last evening; never mind the fact that this is the fourth occurrence of this erratic behavior in the past 8 months. Friends of George Michael secretly fear he is desperately trying to win the role of James Dean in an upcoming Hollywood biography, and thus continues to emulate scenes from Dean's last moments alive. Reality: no such movie is being made.

Regardless of the circumstances of these incidents, Mel Gibson has reached out to George Michael to find out what exactly he has been taking that allows him to go for a drive and then fall asleep before the police find him.

Note: it would have been way too easy to title this "George's friend urge him to wake up before he go-go's."

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