Friday, March 02, 2007

Paula Ponders

Paula Abdul's been in talks with her agent about quitting "American Idol." She would like to be taken more seriously as a real actress and show that she has the chops to stand tall(ish) with the rest of Hollywood's leading ladies, like Leeza Gibbons, Markie Post and Debbie Menapausolis (ex-Viewer before Starr left). Her agent is attempting to draft a strategy plan that will allow her to exit her current engagements while increasing her profile for possible future opportunities.

One idea that Paula is floating to several industry exec's is that of a reality TV show host. Paula believes that reality TV is the next big thing and she would like to be a part of it before all of her prescriptions run out and she can't afford to buy any more with Rush Limbaugh's maid's assistance. Ideally, she could become the next Ryan Seacrest, requiring less product and make-up time, or Britney Spears, who found amazing success in her show "Chaotic." If that idea doesn't pan out, perhaps Paula could be the "Next Top Pop-Star to attempt a Heimlich maneuver on their (her) singing career."

At this point, it's all very early in the thinking process, and that can take several weeks for a complete thought to formulate in that Laker Cheerleader brain of hers, so don't expect too much in 2007. But Paula has stressed that she does want to do something that isn't so focused as her current work is, citing the concern that her current job can negatively react with whatever med's she decided to pop the night (or morning) before.

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