Quick Janet, hide, here come the Roper's; Jack got a date! Chrissy, you explain to them he's gay...
Insipid is as insipid does and once again the world believes a farce of "Three's Company" proportions...
...as the world shudders with the frightful predictions of that long ago patron saint of doom and gloom (not Larry King), Nostradamus. How fricken stupid must people be to believe this crap? Oh, that's right, people once thought Liberace was just flamboyant and another Bush presidency was all the country needed. Well, going oh-for-two ain't so bad (just ask the Colorado Rockies) until you realize there is something riding on it. Why are people giving any credence to the (Y2K anybody?) predictions of this guy? He wrote these prophecies in such broad sweeping strokes that even a midget (hey New York!) t-baller could get a hit off of his pitches. And, if at first you don't succeed, just keep predicting; he's predicted the end of the world in '84, '99, '00 , and now 2012. Sooner or later he'll get it right, heck, even Ricky Martin can find a hit once in awhile.
"Nosty", as I affectionately refer to the old guy, is just damn lucky he ain't alive today to face the media and their scrutiny regarding his predictions (side note, did he predict his own death correctly?). How could he ever get a Starbuck's coffee and get back into his car with the throngs of paparazzi screaming at him about the end of the world? Got to admit, that Britney sure is talented in that department; she may hit reporters and cars and drop her children, but she never spills a drip of her frappichino! Of course, the ace up Nosty's sleeve (did he have sleeves or just toga's?) would be to look the reporters in the eye and say, "you're gonna die today...is this how you want to spend your last hours?", and watch them all scramble to find Lohan. What paparazzi in their right mind would die covering Nosty when they could be covering Lindsy?
My parting salvo...I loved the interpretation of "fire from the skies"from one of his earlier predictions; everyone thought it was 9/11 foretold. EXCUSE me? There was never fire in the sky if I recall correctly. Didn't the fires happen when the planes crashed into the buildings? There was no flying ball of fire- maybe the real interpretation of a ball of fire was the fiery remains of the Van Halen reunion tour!