Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Republican Party Surprise

What's a party if there isn't a surprise thrown in?

While eagerly awaiting the speech of Sarah Palin, Republican delegates were feted with a lavish feast: pasta, veggies, wine, bread, pork loin and a guest appearance/performance by Lindsay Lohan. Despite failing to hit the same "public awareness" that Chris Crocker achieved on youtube by requesting that we "leave Britney alone!", it seems Lindsay's blogging about leaving Jamie Lynn Spears, oops, I mean, Bristol Palin, resonated with the McCain party planners and they invited her. The surprise? The pasta was delivered by a Pizza Hut employee, none other than Bristol's husband to be, Levi Johnston.

I'm hoping Heidi and Spencer are somewhere there filming their experience for use on a show at some later date, then I won't have to miss the Williamses tennis match and catch the highlights in a few months when it runs on MTV.

Explain to me how "kids are off limits" and yet the whole damn clan is pranced out in front of the media?

Other than uncommonly long lines at the men's restrooms, and no signs of Larry Craig, delegates have had few issues to complain about- outside of their candidate.
And the Bush video conference and Cheney's presence.

Oh yeah, and the crab grass.


Essentially Me said...

Watching Hilary Clinton's speech gave me goose bumps. Sarah Palin just made me want to punch her in the teeth.

egan said...

Ditto what Essentially Me said. Well isn't Sarah cute? That's what this is all about isn't it? Look at McCain's plastic wife.

EF said...

Essentially and Eg: I think she is a smokescreen to ignore the credentials McCain lacks...and it is working. Who even knows where she stands besides "abstinence" teaching for kids. Can Pallin get away with saying things that h
Hillary would have been called a bitch for saying- appears so...

Radioactive Tori said...

What I really think is sad is that everyone seems to be focusing on her not being a good mom because she is working or how pretty she is. The last time I checked that kind of stuff doesn't really matter in a VP. It would be cool if people could keep the discussion to things that matter. I hate discussing politics though because it is so difficult for a lot of people to disagree politely.

I actually am not so happy with either side and wish we could have someone else to choose.

Radioactive Tori said...

I'm re reading what I wrote and I want to be clear that I am not necessarily supporting her, I am just saying there are PLENTY of legitimate things to criticise her about, and it is sad that those are the things people are choosing.

EF said...

No fears tori, I understand and agree....the merits of VEEP need to be vetted past motherhood.