Saturday, May 16, 2009

Panic at my disco!

What to do?

I have 3000 songs on my Ipod (that all sound the same- "but there is SUCH a difference between the Aude remix and the Leger remix"), so now I am out of memory.
Now, when I say out of memory, that's a technical term, not an Izzie type of short-term thing that may be indicative of a death coming up because I have been so difficult to deal with on the set, for the past season, but I digress...

Given the vast array of songs that I have downloaded, but probably not even listened to, BUT MUST KEEP, how does one go about the delicate task of uninviting artists to squat on my pod? How do I know that I may not need Shakira in a moment of uninspired jogging to remotivate my ass? Or that Fleet Foxes will win me style points with the person sitting too close to me on a bus (not that I ever ride is really more about those annoying individuals who linger too close in any of life's settings, where they shouldn't be sitting so close to me!) And to that point (and if they aren't cute...), I've got to keep some Rob Zombie or Twisted Sister loaded just so I can kick it up real loud to chase them away.

Curses on this faulty memory!

I have attempted to waterboard the damn thing in hopes of recapturing long ago downloaded musical memories that may otherwise not be recollected, but that hasn't gotten me too far. I guess you can put Ipods right up there next to Nancy Pelosi under the category of "things that don't hold up well under examination." Funny, under a hair dryer, I might be able to revive my Ipod, but Nancy may not survive her own hot air...

Talk about a Sophie's Choice dilemma...NKOTB or NSync?

Where's Solomon when I need the wisdom on how to cut the baby??


SM said...

NKOTB, baby. Word.

Radioactive Tori said...

SM is making me laugh.

My dughter ran out of room on her ipod and I helped her sort out what she "needed" on there. It wasn't a fun aftenoon and it was really really hard to choose. Good luck!