"dim all the lights (sweet darling) and cue the audience."
"placards in place to tell when to hoot and whistle and cheer and boo."
bring out the contestants
"stock the challenge booth with lots of water and ginseng, to help refresh the person and their memories."
First question, (for a potential seat in the big courthouse), "what EXACTLY did you mean, when 22 years ago, you said, "damn, he's hot!"
"To the best of my recollection, while watching a "6 Million Dollar Man" rerun, I noted that, while saving a disabled person, the actor, Lee Majors, looked hot in his t-shirt."
"Could you please clarify that statement? The American people have right to know where you stood on the appearance of Lee Majors (20 years ago), and if, by claiming he "was hot" did you discriminate against a lesser handsome person and trample over someones rights to non-discrimination based on appearance? So you believed Lee Majors to be hot?"
"At the time I thought that was an appropriate response. Yes."
"And do you still feel that way?"
"So you have changed your position on something you said just 22 years ago?"
cue the boo and hiss cards
Nothing further, next contestant please...
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