Tuesday, November 21, 2006

on my radar: oprah's favorite things

Just in time for the holidays!

Every year new behaviors emerge, some take hold, like expecting a crappy "big name musician" to sing Christmas carols and steal the 10 bucks that it costs to buy the sucker (if you haven't downloaded it already) or suing "Borat" and become traditions, but some just never get the foothold to become a tradition like "cranberries and stuffing" flavored soda to be served with thanksgiving dinner or Justin Guarini becoming a music star, and wither away after just one season.

Older-aged white woman everywhere, Michael Richards, and a few minorities (but not rap artists) mark the end of November as that most Oprah-rific tradition time of the year, when "The Lady O" dons the guise of all three wise-people and imparts the gift of expensive gift giving ideas (but no Hermes scarves!) to her audience around the globe.

This year, Gayle's missus even out did herself, rolling her favorite things episode with her book club recommendation into one crazy show..."Oprah's favorite book and gifts suggestions" show.

Oprah stunned the crowd when she not only announced her new book, but also introduced the author, live on TV, OJ Simpson and his psuedo-biography "If I did it"; "take that James Frey", OJ said a he entered the studio.

After gushing about how "imaginative" OJ must have been to write this book, Oprah introduced, and gave each member of the audience (no Goldman or Brown family member were able to claim prizes. If you can't receive the civil judgement award, why get Oprah's?) "her favorite things" as selected by OJ and featured in the book, such as:

Bruno Magli shoes
leather gloves that don't fit
bloodstained clothes
White Broncos
support letter from Michael Jackson
and some clumps of hair and blood stuck on a knife

When wrapping the show, OJ hinted that this was just the start of a book series he will be writing called..."If...." with future titles like, "If I shot Lincoln", " If I kidnapped the Lindberg baby", If I shot Jack Ruby", and most compelling "If I ran the Zoo" and "If I told the truth".

All featured items can be found on Oprah's website, "Giving OJ wings network".

1 comment:

Andrea Coleman said...

I love Oprah's favorite things - I think she wants us to buy all of them and donate them to charity this year... www.oprahsfavoritethings2006.com