Friday, November 10, 2006

on my radar: the republican way

This week it appears the Democrats are scoring one of their "best weeks ever"; Republicans, not so much. If I may borrow from my sweet Celia, about the only Bush supporter who came out better on Wednesday was Britney Spears; not only did she fight against the Defense of Marriage Act, she now will only use UPS for her shipping needs, seeing how Kevin is now the Fed-ex (sorry Todd).

Other scuttlebutt to deal with since the elections: the White House will only be serving vodka (but none to Laura if she's in a driving mood, or the girls!) now that's there's no more Rummy.
The elections also put a few more (non-Congressional) people out of work, namely liberal comedians. The Daily News was considering switching to Rush Limbaugh (yet another sad attempt to become relevant, seeing how taking on Canadian's with disabilities didn't go over too well) but the honchos figured the Democrats will do enough stupid things to keep John Stewart busy and "Rush" really isn't one without his oxycotin supply (and no one can find that maid to get it filled for him).

And well hey, while talking about winning and losing contests, here's Faith Hill with her tips for losing gracefully while on camera....oops, wait, where'd she go?

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