Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Today the sports buzz is all about the "coming out" of former NBAer John Amaechi. Now it is refreshing to see that this news isn't "THE" news story of the day, it appears the slow news week has continued to keep NASA and diapers as the focus, but it is still a top ten.

It's amazing, and so telling, that only six male athletes (from the 4 major sports leagues) have ever come out, and all of them did it once their career was over. Even if the "perpetually gay-maligned" sport of figure skating was thrown into the mix, the "out" would not hit a dozen. What gives? You know there are more out there, but has Snickers scared them back into the closet?

Might someone, like the addition of Mr. Beckham to the U.S. sports conscious, help shift America's puritanical views? Not to say David is gay, not that there'd be anything wrong with that, but might he bring to our shores a new level of male sexuality that hasn't really been aligned with our male sports stars? Could he be the great "gayish" hope that finally relaxes our jock psyche? Well, before he gets hyp"TOM"ized into Scientology that is, then all bets are off!

I can't imagine that a rush of male athletes coming out is going to end sports as we know them, nor would it have team uniforms changing colors to pastels and relocating to Provincetown, although there might be a niche market for Burberry and Diesel to exploit! So, I congratulate Mr. Amaechi and hope his steps can create a path for others to follow, Martina can't do it alone!

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