Saturday, April 14, 2007

Empire Falls

Lawyer Jumps From Empire State Building- (now people are lining up to buy Karl Rove a ticket to see the view from the top) AP.

NEW YORK (April 14) - Bystanders watched in shock as a young lawyer leaped to his death from the Empire State Building's 69th floor and part of his body plummeted to the pavement, according to witnesses and police.

Has anyone checked into the whereabouts of Howard K Stern lately? Can E.T. be far behind?

"I cried and got sick to my stomach," said Theresa Colon, 46, a tourist from Virginia. "I pray he knew who God was." Police identified the man as Moshe Kanovsky, a lawyer in his 30s. He jumped out a law office window, they said. Witnesses said some bystanders screamed and ran - either to flee or to look -as Kanovsky's leg fell to the sidewalk on West 33rd Street at about 3 p.m. Friday. His body was later found on a landing on the 30th floor, police said.

Although it is speculative, a few people have claimed to have seen Heather Mills lingering around the scene of the accident and asking if anyone knew which leg it was that had been recovered.

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