Now back after a break, and swinging like Barry Bonds on steroids (redundant?), Congress is hustling to pass new legislation. The first bill to reach the floor was the new "George Washington" law, which holds all members of Congress to a new level of accountability; they are no longer able to tell lies. The silence is deafening!
Passage of this bill has made it extremely difficult to get any other legislation passed. The testimony of Alberto Gonzalez was canceled due to the new law, and apparently there will be no more updates from Iraq or any presidential "State of the Union" addresses.
Of course, for all fans of Monday night television (and there aren't that many of them), this is good news; there will no longer be any concerns for breaking news from the government or preempting of "Two and a Half Men." It is true that C-SPAN went to black until they were able to broadcast the movie, "Liar, Liar" consistently.
No members of Congress were able to comment on this law, based the new rules.
Needless to say, Capitol Hill ground to a stop faster than Howard K.Stern can file a lawsuit and so something had to be done. After two days of silence and not a single issue resolved Ms. Pelosi acknowledged the efficaciousness of the law, but then confirmed (after referencing wikipedia) that the whole "I can not tell a lie" story was infact, a lie, and the law was instantly revoked, with only a minor amount of pork attached to the bill left to be doled out.
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