And I looked, and behold: a dull gray horse emerged; after Death itself had strode out across the land, upon it's chloros-colored horse, none other were to appear, and yet, behold, there it was, a fifth horse arose; it was Boredom, and Nicolas Cage followed with him.
Why does he continue to have a movie career? Mr. Chronically Crappy Actor! Who did he sell his soul to (Ghost Rider or uncle Coppala) to guarantee a movie deal of at least one new movie a year? Couldn't that person be from Bollywood or somewhere else foreign so that we didn't have to have his movies play inside the USA??? You want a new punishment that will scare felons straight? make them watch a Nic Cage movie festival...that' would kill most of them mid-way through "Vampire's Kiss".
For a career that should have been gone in sixty seconds, he's managed to not act through over three dozen movies! I'd count them out for ya, but I fall to sleep just thinking about "Guarding Tess" and "Captain Corelli's Mandolin". When it comes to his acting chops, most of his talent resides in his sideburns; I have seen a better range of emoting displayed by Joan Rivers after she walked out of her plastic surgeons office!
Sure there might be one or two flukes of actual acting, but for every "Raising Arizona", there's "Windtalkers", "Wickerman", or "Next" to counterbalance it! Even handicapped children can hit a whiffle ball on a tee once in awhile...(I feel so bad slighting them in a comparison to Mr. Cage...sorry!).
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