Monday, May 07, 2007

on my radar: whacked

Maybe you missed the headline, "couple robs mob and gets whacked"?

Perchance you read right past it (presuming people still read isn't rude is it- that would suck for this email if they don't), enticed by the salacious allure of the "did he cheat on Rachel Ray" query that's been tossed at her hubby, or that Mizz Hilton stands to do 45 days of penance for something most folks get off with a slight tap on the wrist, or reduced sentencing, to like a few hours (please your honor, when celebs are used to teach a lesson, no one takes notes!)?

Well, if ya missed it, during a trial here in the USA, a Gambino Mafia insider admitted to this "whacking" of the couple 17 years ago. Seems these New York citizens weren't the brightest bulbs to heist a joint; heck, the "Barbie Bandits" look downright like a diaper-wearing NASA rocket scientist compared to this couple! Under utilizing any sense of survival, these two people unwise(guy)ly robbed businesses (in Little Italy no less!!) that were chummy with the Mob- talk about choosing the wrong ("Titanic") ocean liner to cross the Atlantic in! Couldn't they knock-up a restaurant uptown? After a few embarrassing robberies, the mob had had enough and snuffed the folks one afternoon while they were driving through Queens.

If there is an upside to this, maybe it's the whole "Social Darwin" aspect of the case; the couple so stupid to rob from the mafia didn't have the chance to procreate and leave any kids behind, thus hopefully extinguishing that species; least they survived and had kids, its quite possible they could have "matured" to be Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger or Mommy and Daddy Lohan, or Federline...

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