Can't tear away from the Olympics...
thank god for pre-packaged foods, microwaves and online watching.
After tomorrow, when swimming and tennis are done, the whole shebang is about over in my world...then I hope to be released from this bondage (no, I'm not wearing one of the new LZR swimsuits...).
Why do I watch?
Yowza ... they sure do make 'em cute in the good ole U S of A.
um, with bodies like that, how could you not watch?
(not that it's all about the (bike) bodies, but still)
ps- hills starts this week. want to come over with brandy on monday for cocktails and snacks and we can rag on speidi? k, see you at niner.
I love watching the swimming parts. I wish they would show more underwater views though. The swimmers have hot bodies and what they can do makes me weak in the knees. I don't drool over any of them in particular, but just in general swimmers are hot.
hey Ladies...
maria- I'll find something for you from the dandy land of canada- I promise!
Brookem: The Hills returned at the perfect time- most the good stuff is done for me and I need to ween myself from bay-jing! Who wants the first cocktail?
Tori- it is amazing what they can do, and, I love that they have put cameras below the surface- my main sport these days is water polo, so it's fun for friends to get to see the underwater (can you say nasty and mean) reality of the sport that constantly leaves me bruised!
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