Friday, February 20, 2009

Is Gary Hart racist?

Monkey references + anything = racist.

I always hated new math.

IMHO, something does not compute in that equation, BUT...according to the Rev. Sharpton and others, any educated person would see the obvious and blatant racial overtures expressed when a monkey is used as an image; the monkey is a thinly veiled reference to black Americans.

Uh-oh! I don't see that, implicitly or explicitly, with every use of a simian image. Now I feel embarrassed, as I thought I was (my degree says so...) an educated person.

Mr. Holder just expressed that Americans are cowards and afraid to discuss race here in the U.S.... Yeah? Hello? Are you missing the cartoon debate? Why do you think it is a little unnerving to dip a toe into race issues when the proverbial race card can be pulled at any minute by someone who interprets a situation in a certain way, and if you don't see it the same way, you become ignorant or racist?

A whole community is attempting to sue a 17-year old girl for offending them with a photo that they felt was expressly done to harm them, claiming (she) "acted in conscious disregard for the rights of her Asian Pacific Islander fans". I thought she was just being Miley. She's got a tough fan club!

This race issue is...hhhmmm, how could one d-e-l-i-c-a-t-e-l-y say, the 500 pound gorilla in the room , the white elephant , CRAP! How do you say it when you just want to say it without offending anyone?

Was George Michael racist when he sang about the "monkey on his back?"
Are gymnasts who play on monkey bars supporting racism?
Is "Planet of the Apes" racist?
Was "BJ and the Bear" secretly supporting slavery?

Perhaps we should just pick on horses for awhile.


SM said...

Wow. See, I always knew I hated math. Now I know why.

Is your brother a racist, then?

EF said...

But of course! He's lucky his blog isn't shut down!

Princess Pointful said...

I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you on this one, sir. There is actually a huge history in America of using ape references for African Americans, to the point where actual studies show that people implicitly associate Black faces with apes.

(This is what you get for having a nerdy PhD student reader!)

EF said...

And Princess, I am so okay with you disagreeing! That's the world we live in; different views for how we see things.

EF said...

Is it ironic that when I think of monkey caricatures I still think of W?