Thursday, February 26, 2009

The things you do for love

I have an idea.

I want you to withhold enjoying some of your favortite things.
Whether they be,
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings

I am asking you to deny yourself these desired things.

Okay, maybe not receiving brown paper packages for a few days, or cooking out of stainless steel over copper kettles, wouldn't bust your chops, so those don't count.

I want you to deny what you really love, to prove your love.
Not for a day, or a week, or a month, but for 39, no, round it to 40 days.

Angry yet? Cranky and hateful for missing the morning java for 3 fortnights?
Do your co-workers wish for you to take PTO days to "chill out?" Stll out there chasing pavement?

Does every waking moment make you sing, "I hate this part right here, I just can't take these tears?"


Now I have you where I want you. Let's just call this feeling "love".

Now go indulge yourself. Thanks for proving your love.

Why must one have to suffer for love?

Couldn't a simple, "he went to Jarrods" and "I love you" do?
I'm just saying...

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