Thursday, February 05, 2009

Open Letters Week: taxing issues

Dear IRS,

Please explain why you are so damn confusing.

I'd like to go all Etta James on you and tell ya how I really feel, but I think doing that to the government might create legal issues or FBI visits, so I will speak softly.

Why is it so hard to file taxes? You remind me of sudoku. Just keep trying to stick numbers into different boxes until a magical sequence is derived and viola, "money disappears from my bank account, it's like magic; crappy bad magic!"

I don't like sudoku.

Why can't we find a way to make doing taxes as pleasant as, say, picking the next American Idol? Sure, we may have to deal with some crazy bikini-clad freaks and cranky officials, but in the end we'd have much more representation in the taxation process. Isn't that what we fought for? Why is there a limit on making taxes EZ? Couldn't you work something out with Staples to create the "easy tax button"?

Given the complexity of the forms and the penalties for making a mistake (thank you much, Mr Daschle) I opt to contribute to the economic stimulus package by hiring an accountant to do my taxes. How refreshing, paying someone to help me pay the government! At least I know my nomination would be safe!

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