Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Tuesday's with Oscar

This town, at times, can be overbearing. All alone in the big city makes people do crazy things; for me, it was online dating. Who sits at the other end of that email? What lonely heart or crazed killer keeps sending me notes with happy faces made out of the colon, dash and parenthesis symbols? Will I meet a cartoonist similiar to the "Ziggy" mentality or a "GI Joe" (just don't ask) type? About the only thing I was sure of was that this date would probably end up going SIDEWAYS. We were to meet at this new upscale place, the HOTEL RWANDA, but plans changed at the last minute and so I headed off to RAY'S bar instead.

Damn! who ever said mapquest was easy? Locating RAYS's was like FINDING NEVERLAND-- nearly impossible! Until I saw the North Star beckoning me forward. Once at the bar, I had to try to figure out who this mystery date was. I certainly hoped it wasn't the hippy looking one over at the pooltable! I approached the bar, seeking a drink to loosen my nerves. The bartender chirped out, "hey who's the new fella? You look like a MILLION DOLLAR's, BABY! "Thanks", was all I could reply. After a few minute, and 2 shots, I worked up the nerve to ask the bartender if he knew anyone here named "Liam"? The bartender just grinned and motioned towards a guy sitting in the back of the bar, decked out in a full-on 80's retro outfit and those damn AVIATOR glasses. I smiled, thanked the bartneder, paid for my drinks and promptly headed to the door...
"I'd rather be at home watching the Oscar nominations instead of wasting my time in this bar", I told myself.

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