Boy do I feel like an amateur not making "George Mitchell's List" (Like "Schindler's" only more salacious, less fatal)! Just when I thought I was big time, I was deflated, like Barry Bonds, 2 weeks after his last injection!
What is interesting to note is what else was mentioned in the report that somehow has been overlooked by the media:
On the 13th day of December, George Mitchell told me (there were):
12 former presidents were found to be adulterous
11 Golden Globe nominee's were shooting up
10 Striking writers freelancing
9 candidates still in the running whose names nobody knows
8 is still enough
7 (of ten voters) thinking Obama is black enough
6 World Wide Wrestling Women with more testosterone than OJ
5 rings of coke on Amy Winehouse's nose
4 Osmonds in rehab
3 sports unions still denying steroid problems (NFL, MLB, NBA)
2 "Dancing with the Stars" champs still living life in spandex
1 still really messed up BCS selection process
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