Since we aren't the government and don't have easy access to destroying evidence we prefer not to be accountable for, wouldn't it be nice if we could have the power to drop down a tornado (or two) amongst our messes in life and tidy things up for us, so to speak? Wysteria Lane got one in just the nick of time, writer's strike be damned! (I want to know who died!) Now we can clean up those messy little plot points that are going nowhere, and storylines that drive us crazy, with a little help from the ultimate desperate housewife, Mother Nature! How convenient is it for Gabby that her enraged husband just happened to be impaled by a picket fence? Done with that boring plot line! Whoosh! A big suction of air and Sylvia is sucked out of the house and Katherine's life forever!
Of course weather in the real world is never so tidy as it is on tv- funny that! TV makes it looks so g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s (oh the flossy flossy) and easy to clean. Somehow I think Wysteria Lane will be back in business (sans that crappy metal fountain and tree house) faster than New Orlean's Orlean Parrish.
So, if I ran the weather, or happened to be Storm, I would target "The View", aiming squarely at Sherri Shepard. She is an affront to (educated) people striving to make ends meet! How did this idiot get to where she is? Stupid and ignorant; two of the most dangerous "competencies" for someone on the air! First she doesn't know if the world is flat or not, and now she believes "nothing predates Jesus." Hullo? Ever heard of time referred to as "BC"? How can she be so stupid?
Sadly, there are people who just blindly follow the crowd and never even question what they are doing ("incisioned-people" in the "Golden Compass" world), to the point they are ignorant to basic facts. I would aim a tornado at them next! One doesn't have to be smarter than a fifth grader to know life existed before Jesus Christ, or that the world is spherical. Look at the Grammy's...Justin Timberlake again? Nice "follow the crowd" mentality! What else would explain the snub of Annie Lennox's cd in the grammy nominations? Lemmings I say! Funnel cloud headed their way, too!
And if I got one more, I'd aim it towards DC and see if the gov't could be cleaned up...ha ha...where's FEMA now?
I'm glad you said something about her. I was thinking of how to write about Sherri but couldn't string together a sentence that didn't have me swearing worse than a sailor (and then still being so let down by my choice of curse words that I begin using the ones that even I deem off limits). I think what bothers me is that her and famous people like her (Kelli Pickler, I'm talking to you. France is a country.) get so much press for saying things so outlandishly ridiculous. And that they don't seem ashamed or embarrassed at how uneducated they sound. It's one thing to screw up, to miss something, to realize that you don't know everything about history/geography/the current political situation in the United States, but it's another to not know and then think it's hilarious that you don't. Stupidity isn't funny. Or even something to be proud of yet, so many people seem to think the opposite and that is annoying for anyone who doesn't view ignorance as the height of hilarity.
I'm off the soapbox now.
Thank You, Brandy!!!
And it almost makes it seem like being uneducated is okay to succeed, what a message to send!
I totally agree with Brandy (and you too!) I can't stand people who use their stupidity to gain success.
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