Thank heavens for the Spears family! I look at them and feel even more proud of the children my mother had, realizing how thing might have gone. I feel sorry for the state of Louisiana, though; darn if that family isn't setting the state's reputation back even further! If I were the Governor I'd offer the whole lot of them one-way tickets to Alabama or Oklahoma or North Dakota, where it wouldn't be so easy to sneak back into town.
Where the hell was Nanny McPhee when she was needed to beat the crap out of Lynne Spears all those years ago? Those damn au paires just aren't reliable to shake the right children theses days! Guess that book about parenting that Lynne Spears was authoring is going to have to be written by some other, better, Hollywood parent; right now David Hasselhoff, Michael Jackson and Momma Winehouse must feel a slight sense of opportunity!
So I'm just wondering, what 101 class was Zoey taking? Apparently it wasn't Sex Ed, or she is following, in her barefeet, after her sister and flubbed it royally! What is Nickelodeon to do, start running Public Service messages warning that their 16 year old star got pregnant and you can too? Maybe they should adapt their biggest hit, "Spongebob Squarepants" to this new audience as "Bob, the Sponge."
Hey y'all, I'm pregnant! That's just how we do things in the South!
Oof. And her boyfriend is 19.
Their family is really cool.
See, Jaw-Jaw is more progressive, if this happened here, he'd be in jail, regardless of consent. The Spears clan, a modern day tragedy.
As soon as I heard this on the radio today I was so waiting for you to tackle this.
Seriously. This is ridiculous ... and the best? "It caught us by surprise!" Ummm ... were you away on the day that sex.ed taught you about unprotected sex?
That family is fucked up. Just goes to show ... money don't mean shit in the end ... when you're dumb, you're dumb.
Good thing the mom decided to postpone the realease of her parenting book ...
LOL! I heard that quote too, "caught us by surprise"...golly, has the recipe for putting a bun in the oven changed lately? Maybe she should have spent more time actually in a school and less time cussing people out at Starbucks. Hope Brit is beaming for being a good role model for sis...
Apparently the loneliness was killing her, so she had Mr. 19 hit her one more time. I didn't just type that did I?
Eg- did you just make a thinly veiled pop culture reference? I am so proud of you! Like how Britters must feel about JL right now! :-)
Wait... I'm the only one here who gets surprised when she's found pregnant after having unprotected sex?
I thought eating cornbread and saying "y'all" would protect me from pregnancy...
I think it is sad really. Having a baby can be the most wonderful thing in the world when you are ready. This is just sad for the baby. I hope she gets it together better than her sister does and is able to handle this!
Brandy- I bet she forgot to eat the corn bread and thought a frappachino would work as "carb" substitute.
Radio- I'd like to think she will learn, but her statement regarding "taking the child to Louisiana to have a normal life" didn't seem to work for the prior generation's offspring. I'd blame it all on Disney!
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