Sorry USA, the gig is up, your election process is so flawed that the UN should be present to count the votes! Oh wait, that only happens in inferior, 3rd world or unstable countries, perish the thought it could happen here (again). I feel like Michelle Obama!
Perhaps it's just voter fatigue or depression over a lame return of "The Hills" or the "LOST" 5 week hiatus; whatever the cause, it just seems like this election process has been going on forever with: nothing resolved (LOST), more bitching and whining with no results (Spencer and Heidi) and everyone slowly losing interest (presidential election/primaries)in whatever it was that has been dragging on for more than 2 seasons. How long has the primary season been going? "Arrested Development" didn't last as long as this election season, and it was funny!
With only a couple hundred years as evidence, maybe the US republic might not be the best form of government (technically, it's one of the youngest and least proven to last...think on that!). For all the inspiration and hope that emerges from our election process (JFK) you get a nutball (like Sally Kern) balancing it out. And for all the high hopes that one has at the start of each new election season, the general weariness from the endless deluge of speeches, debates, soundbites, scandals, and commercials in prime time, just leaves me wishing it was already over...next thing ya know, McCain is our president (and who in their right mind would EVER have wagered 6 months ago that any Republican would have a chance in hell to succeed Bush in office??).
Maybe we need to go back to a monarchy? We can pick a Brit since we came from them: perhaps Beckham could run the country, he seems to have a benevolent British spirit to him, or Eddie Izzard, nothing like a witty cross-dresser to make Islamic nations stand up and take us seriously! Or, maybe even Madonna, she's done everything else and she has "nailed" that accent. I am open to other suggestions, but just please make this selection process smooth and easy and over soon, like the Oscars before they were televised!