Proposed Florida license plate:
"Florida, fucking up the US, one election at a time"
It came as quite a surprise, and delight, that last week it appeared that Florida, the state that will not be ignored (unless you happen to be a hanging chad or Democratic voter), had finally figured out a way to redo the Democratic primary election- the one that the Republican governor so graciously moved up on the calendar and consequently caused the votes to be discredited. Thanks Gov. Crist, it's not like there isn't a history with problematic elections, in your state, to begin with! An end to the impasse was at hand, or so it seemed, until this week.
It's now back to square one; unhappy Floridians, and no votes to show for them (maybe Elian knew this would be his fate if he stayed?). And that's too bad, I was certain that once they figured out how to redo the votes they would also figure out how to create an "HG Wellian time machine" and go way back to the time when blackberries were still most commonly perceived as berries that could be picked and put into a pie and "Hannah Montana" was a mere glimmer in the "oops I did it again," Britney Spear's eye. Golly, 2000 seems so far away! And while back there, they could correct the first national election they screwed up!
Katherine Harris could go back in the time machine as well, let a MAC counter girl fix her make-up and image, and reemerge as a pop singer in a female band, "Ballot Spice" and we would never have to hear from her again (save a 2008 reunion tour). One can dare to dream.
Given the first Florida mistake gave us a president who went to war, it should come as no surprise that the latest fiasco is creating another war, although this one is internal to the democratic party. Rebulicans must be hating this!
Before the excuse was to blame Canada for anything, now it's blame Florida!
No blaming Canada!
Also, you could have a picture of the State of Florida aka a big penis beside the whole "fucking up" statement. Just a thought.
Me loves Canada!
Florida is one big phallic symbol!
Hmm, a Republican governor moved up the damn election? Very interesting. Hillary is not going to get her redos and there's no guarantee she would have won those states.
It is all a mess! Demographics favor the Mizz over the mister in both Michigan and Florida, but as you say Eg, no guarantees!
Psh with the blaming Canada.
At least our electoral system is somewhat intuitive!
Princess, point well made! Ours sucks...
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