"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way," said the glass of tap water.
Move over Jessica Rabbit, because Britta's about to make the same statement about your water! Holy pharmaceuticals Aquaman, what have you been swimming in?
The AP reports that there are trace elements of chemicals and drugs in tap water, showing up in cities across the US, which makes me wonder if I need to take medication with water, or the other way around. Or is it an oxymoron? Research is showing that our Prozac nation is seeping into our water supply; all those drugs that are ingested, but not fully digested, by millions of Americans daily (not to mention what is simply flushed down the toilet), are finding their way back into our drinking water- think of it as a "Finding Nemo" saga, only more toxic, and with a little purple pill as the lead.
The amounts in the water are so very small there's nothing to worry about (to be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose. Also, utilities insist their water is safe), but hey, what's to stop an idiot, like a Marion Jones, Barry Bonds, or Rogers Clemens from crying afoul and attempting to use this information as an excuse for their drug-test failures? Who's to say what's been in their drinking water? Could any of us claim "the water made me do it?" Maybe my mood swings have more to do with the fact I'm on the pill and don't even know it, while also dealing with acetaminophen and ibuprofen withdraw. Golly, could it have been the water that killed Heath Ledger?
I guess there's a good reason to start upping the old liquor intake- at least I know whats in my vodka! Lock up the faucets and open the liquor cabinets! Or to riff on the Capital One commercial, one might start wondering, "what's in your water?" Or, maybe the Senate will go back and revisit the debate about how dangerous it is to waterboard a terrorist- no more need to pour it on them, just make them drink it!
Makes ya rethink the whole "bottle vs. tap" question.
Damn. Just when I was hitting my stride ranting about everyone wasting plastic drinking from bottles instead of drinking tap water from cups (because yes, sometimes I enjoy being that annoying), you have to come out with this?!
Back to the Evian bottle. I can't help but think of "Reality Bites" everytime I buy one.
LOL! Brandy! Way to pull out a Reality Bites reference! That was a great movie! I was figuring that the bad water is why parents aren't supposed to use pressure washers on their kids.
For me it's more the idea of what these traces of prozac are riding on to get their way back in our water system that makes me want to puke.
Exactly! The somewhat unstated fact is this is from human waste (usually-no one flushed down old prozac!) that's been retreated and turned back into drinking water...bleck!
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