I'm hoping to get exclusive rights to SJP's hat, it is so versatile- I could use it for a table center piece, or a late Mother's Day bouquet, or a graveside floral arrangement, or send it to Heidi Montag in condolence of losing her job and sticking with "him". Wait, I'm not sure if she lost her job, but she should have- would any of you kept a job after behaving like she did? What was her job anyways (I could swear it was to get camera time for Bolthouse and SBE)? Did I see her taking notes and saying "OK" over and over, as if her notes would be anything more than "remember to reapply lipstick every twenty minutes and fiddle with hair whenever being filmed."
So now there's just wait till August (or read the rags daily) to find out what's next for "the other" 90210 gang. At least I can now focus on LOST!
Oof! Did SJP wear that to the London premiere?! For serious?
Oh God, Heidi should be fired, if she wasn't already. Spencer thinking it's okay to just bust in on their meeting? (What's SBE?)
Aunt Becky from Full House is going to be on The New Nino. Woot!
Brookem: Spencer busting in= another sign they have no clue what reality or real jobs are!
SBE is the big boss's company that I believe Bolthouse is part of...$$$$ M-Dolla!
As for SJP hat- that's one to "Garnier" all the attention!
She loves those Garnier commercials!
She's fucking fabulous no matter what she wears! I love her!
And YOU ROCK for your Heidi observations.
I JUST heard about the new 90210 this morning on the news. I must live under a rock or something!
My kids are obsessed with Full House, so if Aunt Becky is on the new one, my 10 year old daughter may want to watch. I can't believe I have a kid old enough to watch a show that I like (not that I am admitting that or anything)
Essentially: I was digging on SJP ever since I learned the theme to Square pegs "one size does not fit all". And I was in fits reading your post about "The Hills"- you were making me laugh.
OH! I noticed on last week's rerun, when Spency seeks out Heidi and she's left the apt., the damn camera crew is inside her apt when he "unlocks and enters"- how's that for a set-up shot?
Tori: Jennie Garth just signed on! As for Aunt Becky- hope it's just her and not Danny Tanner!
Dude, I just had that for lunch last night! Was that a hat? I thouht it was a salad!
Tim Gunn would so shoot me...
I believe it is the "Summer Salad," part of the exciting new menu at TGIF's...I can see why it's so popular!
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