The beauty shop is open and the bitchiness is back- take a number!
Momma always said, "beauty is in the eye of the (remote control) holder", for they rule the roost and only allow us to watch what catches their eye- thank god in my family my sister was the one who usually won the fight!
People magazine has once again reminded me of how amazingly beautiful people can be when airbrushed, framed right, photo shopped and are camera ready to promote a new movie, book, cd, video, or has CAA repping for them! Wow! 100 BEAUTIFUL people- sounds like a circus show! What happened, did ET and Extra run out of publicity time for Hollywood and People got the exclusive? Kate Hudson as the most beautiful? Who is she sleeping with to get the crown? Oh yeah, Lance Armstrong. Ok, she seems like a ho, but then I got to thinking, so does he. Lance seems to sleep with quite a few women and no one gives him any grief- double standard to go with that double shot latte? I might have to hire Nancy Drew to investigate the case of the "Disappearing Drew Barrymore off the Magazine Rack (from cover to nothing in a single bound!)," who'd she quit sleeping with, Ben Affleck or Jimmy Kimmel?
And talking about double standards, where does the journalist prick David Gergen get off telling Hillary she must renounce racist votes? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? Did he make the same statement to Obama? Hey, what about the sexist vote, or is being sexist ok? Shouldn't Obama apologize for men who won't vote for women or vice versa and make Hillary recant those feminist votes, too? And McCain, does he need to get rid of all the white male voters (gosh, where did the Republican party go?)who won't vote for a black or female? I didn't hear Mr Gergen address any of those issues; guess it's just Hillary who has to apologize for her supporters...what a crock!! Recuse those votes? Really? Have you forgotten 2000 so soon? We struggle counting votes that have been cast; how do you propose we get rid of the "bad ones."
Reality check! This country is full of racist, bigoted (begot?), sexist, ugly, compassionate, intelligent, beautiful and thoughtful people. Whether you like it our not, that's the character of our country and you can't make legitimate candidates apologize for what fringe groups choose to support them (unless you are Ferraro, Rev. Wright, or Haggee)- you don't need to endorse those views (if a candidate is pandering to that fringe group, then possibly, but I have yet to hear Hillary say, "give me your tired, weary, your racists votes..."), but you can't take away a persons right (or wrong) to be that way...or we'd be China or North Korea or Burma/Constantinople. The right to freedom does come at a cost- only Wal-Mart can give it to you at discount prices!
Reality check- size 10 isn't fat! Yippee for Whitney winning ANTM! As Tyra said, she shouldn't be called full-figured, she should just be called beautiful. Hating on the nay-sayers who say it's fixed- because even if it is, what a great platform to promote all shapes of beautiful (that Dove marketing campaign sucked), because People magazine won't do it unless you got something to hawk!
And that takes us right back to where we started...who's next?
Take us out James Blunt..."you're beautiful it's true, I saw your face, on People magazine, so it time to face the truth, I can never be with you and beauty will always be what the media tells us to be true"
Ha ha
God, you're vicious! I love you!
Maybe because my butt is the SECOND thing that can be spotted from space, and I'll never end up on the covers of People... :P
heart: sadly, that's the only other way someone lands a cover- their anatomy is being dissected or the photogs got a bad (un-touched) picture of say, Tyra, Britney, or Jlo Hewitt in a bikini and splash it across the front page...ironic eh?
I love this post. You always have such a way with words. Kate Hudson with Lance Armstrong? Really? That Lance...I love him, but I can not believe how many women he has been with lately.
Perfection isn't relative, it's in People's! LOL
It's sad, worrying and a bit nauseating. I prefer Mr Blackwell's lists! :P
Tori: well thank you! Lance is so great for he has conquered, it's kind of a bummer that his "hollywood" lifestyle might overshadow his true accomplishments (but then again, seeing how he's a guy- no one will flinch...)ouch!
Heart: thats why we like each other so! mr blackwell slings it while making it rhyme...how old man gangsta can ya get? me thinks Winehouse will have her own category this year!
No doubt about that!
Oh, and how old can a gansta' get? If you were watching the ESC, you'd get to see a 75 y/o rapper. Now that's a treat! :D
You just trashed my not so secret, older Regan era boyfriend- Gergen. It feels like you just stabbed me in one of my vital organs with a cheap, plastic bic pen.
I need a moment to collect my thoughts.
I love the idea that a size that is smaller than the average woman is plus sized. Sigh.
I don't read People, but I do read magazines on politics. Today People Power Granny tells all why she refuses to vote for Hillary even though Granny fits into the demographics who should love a Hillary candidacy. Read why Granny won't support Hillary this year or ever. Would you like to vote for Hillary or another woman for president? Why or why not?
Kate Hudson is so not hot, but I also don't consider The Hills must see tv.
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