Given the state of the things, I'm thinking the colors are black and blue and people seeing red all over.
Ah, another refreshing, self-induced, Democrat-bashing Tuesday; how do I celebrate thee? One can only hope that this "Primary Tuesday" will, for once and for all, resolve the "Never ending Story (the presidential version)." Deliberating on my most patriotic ways of celebrating the day, I recalled my Constitutionally-given freedom of clothing expression. Opting to not wear my Madonna wedding dress and gasket jewelry (although it does hark back to a more innocent time in politics), but still believing I've got a few minutes to save the world, I carefully selected what I thought would be the outfit that would make my smartest-ever political statement; I went for something a bit more contemporary. So I jumped through the shower and began to dress myself: opting away from my baggy sweat pants and my Reebok's with the straps, I put on my most favorite pair of apple bottom jeans and my boots with the fur (I know my co-workers will all be looking at me)! A twirl past the mirror said, "hell yeah!" I was ready to go!
I'm going to try and keep my composure through this very long day. Heck, if it's like the other primaries, we won't know answers till the wee hours of the morning, so there's no need freaking out now. Infact, the last time I freaked out, I just kept lookin' down, I st-st-stuttered when asked what I was thinkin' 'bout. It felt as if I couldn't breathe (you know, like being out in the water so deep with no air), someone asked what's wrong with me, my best friend said, Oh, he's just bein' silly. Oh, I can't wait for the votes to come in!
On the other side of the fence, the Republicans are looking at today as just another manic, oil guzzling Tuesday. While most American's are zipping to work, pumping more of the black gold "gin and juice" into their vehicles, draining their savings accounts while they are at it, McCain is basking in all the love he is receiving from his (country) club. As he gradually addresses the day, he chats up Cindy about last nights episode of "The Hills," trying to comprehend who it is that is supporting him (Heidi), why Lo is being so divisive with Audrina and Lauren, and how on earth did Justin Bobby become the sage of the show? Then he'll tackle the Myanmar("OH, Burma") issue.
Even though I'm Canadian, I was all obsessed with the primaries. Now I haven't even bothered checking CNN.
PS. Canadians do have Swiffer. I keep my mop for the special occasions, like when I have to try to get my damage deposit back!!
Hah! I used to be in politics, and yeah, I survived the elections first-hand, but damn, there's nothing like that going on over here! I thought our local politicians get catty and petty and ill-minded...! Remind me never to go into politics in the US!
Oh, and Obama wins. I'd prefer Clinton (the one without the Lewinsky-effect), but Obama will win...
princess: i just love the image of you with a mop, it makes me think of the old Carol Burnett skits. :-)
Heart- Howdy! I'm with you, prefer Clinton, but Obama will win. McCain talking about conservative judges out to unite the Democrats in time for November!
So, the real question here is, what did you do to swing the poll in favor for Clinton? Or - considering this was just the dress rehersal for the big election: what will you do? :D
Heart: Due to past distractions when Hill wore a low(ish) cut blouse, i'd say only a nun's habit will be safe come Nov. If that's not a strategy to unite god and politics, then lets get Huckabee back...;-)
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