There appears to be no escaping chatter about the womb and things that occur within it this week, and that's to put it mildly...
Way to go Babs! Who knew the Queen of TV News was down and out with jungle fever way before Spike Lee ever had the lines "please baby, please baby, please baby please" uttered on film? Knowing about Barbra Walters sex life is about as titillating as thinking about my grandparents knocking it out while looking at the Kama Sutra Sex book- icky!! Yeah, "Sex in the City" happens, but that's not the kind that'll let me roll over and sleep after a cigarette; "The View" I get is me wide-eyed, staring at the ceiling, trying to think of puppy dogs and quiet alpine escapes yet constantly drawn back (kicking and screaming) to a vision of two delicate white hands, grasping tightly to two firm black cheeks, and a strange accent being overheard, "begging for more"... People want to read about it! "Auditions" is the #1 book!
Then there's Starr's Reynold's soon-to-be-ex Al, talking all about his manliness; whatever! The only monologue happening in that household was about Pilates, good dieting and why they both like the same type of man...Oh yes I did! Don't be telling stories that a bunch of boys in a hotel lobby can refute Mr. Reynolds- the closest he was getting to any action was with the butler, yet he still wants to be all that and a bag of chips to the ladies.
The blather (and hat) that heard round the world whips up the ladies from Manhattan: Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte, into our face, as the premiere for "Sex and the City" lights up Cannes. If there's ever going to be a discussion about sex, it's going to happen in this movie! Rumors to a death in the movie and bad advance screenings may require a tad bit more lube to get the juices flowing out of this story!
Not to mention the news of a 2nd young girl, from the FLDS, giving birth to a child- WTF!!! Kids having kids!!
And that's where I'm going to end it, not even mentioning the nasty rumor about McCain's errant and crude remark about his wife (and that derogatory term would fit in this post!), purportedly made, in public, BACK IN 92, because some stories should have an expiration date (or the sharing of them- Barbara!).
So, hun, Cashmere Maffia or Lipstick Jungle?
Redundant Q, huh?
Not even SatC was SatC most of the time! ;)
Barbara planned her revelation perfectly, though, didn't she? Far enough from any backlash, but still salacious enough to sell books!
Wow, it really would appear that vagina conversations are hot this week. (Meaning that you and I have used the word in our title and some random person emailed me hating the word). Great minds, blah, blah, blah.
And I'm with you about Barbra Walters. I like to think that she never had sex. It's like thinking about Mickey Mouse or Anne Frank having sex. Well, maybe not Anne Frank, but you know what I mean.
hey heart: i liken them to siamese twins connected at the "waisted talent".
Princess: exactly, it's not like what she revealed isn't a perfect "Hot topic" and is squarely meeting her target audience.
Brandy: i laughed when I saw your post- it is what it is! I hope she had a bikini wax!
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