One woman's loss is a choreographer's gain.
Not letting the recent election-bid failure stop her bigger than life aspirations, Hillary Clinton has announced her next career move. It appears that the beltway's loss is going to be the Great White Way's gain. Yes, it is true, Hillary will now be stumping for votes while singing her way through "Positive" and "So Much Better", vying to be the next Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, the Musical. This magic moment is almost as historic as when one guy's peanut butter ran into another guy's chocolate!
Think of the parallels of these two icons: Elle Woods, fighting to get into law school then kicking ass in Chanel and the courtroom- that could have been Hillary just a few decades ago! So why can't Hillary now be the woman "portraying that younger Rodham"? There ain't nothing some stage make-up and lighting can't do to make Hillary look mid-20's again! Heck, look what it does for Nathan Lane and Kim Catrall!
This may not be the career option many of you would have guessed she'd pursue, but did you really think she'd just go home an start watching "Martha" and learn to bake cookies? Or start swilling Cosmo's (although it would make for a better photo op than that whiskey shot picture) with Liddy Dole, Pelosi and Laura Bush, doing their version of the "Political Golden Girls in DC?"
So start tuning into "The Search for Elle Woods" and vote as frequently and often as they did in American Idol, with a little help, we can keep Hillary in a job...as Tim Gunn might say, "get Hill work!"
And given her penchant to "keep fighting", if Elle doesn't work out, she's got auditions planned for "American Gladiators", "Dancing with the Stars", and "Trading Spouses"- in no particular order.
Phew. You aren't too optimistic about the political career, are ya?
i need to watch at least one episode of that elle woods show. ive seen previews but need to actually catch it.
Princess- I had high hopes, but the superdelegates let me down, and a few other voters. I saw B'way cuz she's got the chutzpah to keep trying!
Brookem- "need" might be a tad bit strong. Any show that has a 19 year old bragging on about herself using the statement, "I'm sun and smiles all the time, life for me is awesome blossom!" just falls short of "need" IMHO! Im just saying...
Ha ha that is the best thing I have heard all day!
Nat: happy to oblige you!
Gunn would probably add "Get it done"
I think I have a small crush on what he says. However that's possible! :P
I have a weakness for most reality shows but I watched about 5 minutes of that show and was so irritated I had to change the channel. Blonde Broadway Wannabes just don't do it for me.
Heart: hhmm, 2 little lexicon lovers sitting in a tree...:-)
Carrie: changing that show is no weakness, that's a good sign of sanity!
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