I've got the fever for the flavor of a Pringle!
Not willing to go down without a revolution, the inventor of the Pringle's can died recently, and, per his wishes, was partially entombed in...a Pringles can! So proud of his invention, Dr. Fredric J. Baur requested that he be cremated and half of his ashes were to be buried inside of his invention.
"i've gotta Pringle's can, a Pringles can full of sunshine, oh, oh, oh, oh"
So the $64,000.00 question is, "If you were to be buried in a Pringles can, which can would you be?"
"With a can can can! Everybody can-can!"
Just imagine how business would have been different for the Fisher clan if Six Feet Under was all about selling small cylinder cans! I think I'd like to order one that says, "RIP Hillary's 2008 Presidential campaign." Of course, once ya pop one Pringle, you just can't stop- me thinks Hillary has the same notion.
Is it wrong that I am still hungry for Pringles, despite the notion of their crumbs being mixed with ashes?
When my grandpa died, he had contracted with the cremation place that they would put him in an urn and display him there on their shelf with a label on it of "weirdo inside". After he died, they asked my aunt to sign off on them not following his wishes. I don't know if she did or didn't but I loved my grandpa for being so different/creative with his plan. Pringles is an even better idea.
princess: Not it all!- It just shows how influential marking can be. After reading about the OJ trial i wanted to buy ginsu knives!
Tori_ i heard about a guy who wanted a Harley Davidson eagle tatoo put on him when he died, his wife complied, but then had him cremated- makes ya wonder why they did it in the first place!
I better invent something comfortable, because as it is, I've only 'invented' quotes and those might be hard to be burried in...
Since I invented blogging, maybe you could do something online for me when my time comes? Thanks bro!
heart: I wish I would have invented slurpees; a nice cool place full of fun flavors and ice(it could "help" stave off the fiery tendrils of the flames licking at my heels)
Eg- I think I have something for you, and it mgiht look like a stuffed squirrel!
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