Dina, Lindsay and Ali
On a routine attention-grabbing excursion
One of the greatest celeb-family disasters ever known
High on whatever they were on
It struck their feeble egos
and plunged them to the lowest of lows
To the land of "Living Lohan"
The land of the "Living Lohan"
The land of the Lost!
What a bunch of crap that show is! Why isn't DFAC's watching this show and then getting the kids away from this ill-equipped single parent household? I thought prostitution was still illegal in most places, and pimping your kids out for money seems to qualify for prostitution! The mere fact that Dina would let a camera crew shoot pictures of a dog (one of 5 in the house) on the dinner table shows failure of judgement! What does Dina do to support her kids? Oh, she is the "star" of a reality show that pays her to be a mother driving a second daughter towards fame and stardom-because the first one turned out so well! Dina's parenting skillz are strictly from the world of hyena's ("I will eat my own to survive")and seem to be closer to the witch that tried to eat Hansel and Gretel than Fran Drescher's "Nanny" (and that's not saying much!); Tommie Lee and Pamela (round #801) create a more stable environment for kids than Dina does! If only they could make Spencer and Heidi babysitters, you'd have one heck of a show, but seeing how Speidi's rates for appearances are "delusional", I guess all Dina can afford is Nana. The sad part about the show is it appears that Roseanne and Anne Welles were role models for Dina; Dina just doesn't comprehend that Anne ended up strung out on painkillers and Roseanne's world isn't real-of course, neither is the world Dina roams.
haven't seen this one yet my pal, but i have been tuning into denise richard's new show. ahem.
Brookem: so tell me, the last time you needed a little pick me up, did the girls come over and you learned how to pole-dance and play with sex toys? or did you have to ponder being on Shape magazine or Playboy? It's complicated! and bonus points for her being able to S-P-E-L-L "W-H-O-R-E"!
And Denise Richards, and Kim Ka-what's-her-name, and... eh... does nobody watch fiction any more?
...and do we really need more Lohan in our lives? This time, times three?
None of my friends ever brought me a stripper pole!
I have been totally sucked in by Denise, Lohans, and the bachelorette. I'm also watching ice road truckers, but for some reason feel no shame about that one.
heart: the irony of tv is that reality tv is the closest thing to fiction on tv right now- everything is done for a "storyline". I'm about up to annual recommended allownace of Lohan!
Radio: have you checked out black gold yet? The "real" reality stuff rarily feels dirty- even when them fishermen, loggers and oil workers are knee deep in crap!
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