With a rap sheet that most gangster hip-hop artists would kill for (figuratively speaking, except for maybe lil' Kim), Andy Dick is fast cementing himself as the number menace to society and comedy patrons across the nation.
Having given up on dominating the airwaves with his dweebesque comedic persona, Andy's making himself a name on police rap sheets all over the place; not to mention creating a mug shot that only Mel Gibson, Nick Nolte or SideShow Bob would want.
Just look at some of his recent offenses and charges (excluding what he's done in the name of "entertainment"):
felony drug charges
sexual battery
causing a public disturbance
public indecency
urinating in public
misdemeanor marijuana possession
Beyond this it has also been noted that, "Dick has a reputation for crude behavior. He has been reported to have exposed himself to audiences at least twice. He was forcibly removed from the set of the show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" last year after he repeatedly touched guest Ivanka Trump without her permission.
Also last year, Dick was cited in Columbus, Ohio, for urinating on the sidewalk. A comedy club owner in the city said the actor also made inappropriate comments while onstage, groped patrons, took women into the men's room and urinated on the floor and on at least one person.
In 1999, Dick was arrested for possession of cocaine and marijuana after driving his car into a telephone pole in Hollywood, California. He pleaded guilty but the charges were dismissed after he went into a diversion program.
Does it enhance or distract from his image that the most recent claims comes from pulling down the tube top of a 17 year old female outside of a "Buffalo Wild Wings"?
And to top everything else off, just last week he got into a bitch fight with Jon Lovitz at a comedy club because Andy claimed to Jon he put the "Phil Hartman Hex" on Jon, saying Jon was going to die soon; Jon beat him up because of the comment (and apparently put a successful "Joesph Francis Jailbird Hex" on Andy to boot)!
I can't get over how offside it is to do that to a 17-year old girl, of all things. Dude is pathetic.
princess- it almost makes you wonder if he does it to get press. he's like a d-list Michael Richards
Side show Bob's hair is cool.
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