Where's Urkel when you need someone to sort things out?
After surprising assault claims were filed by the sister and mother of "Batman" star Christian Bale, family members are now declining to discuss the case, stating "it's a family matter." Um, oh no it's not- when charges are filed it becomes a legal and very public matter- especially when the man charged stars in the biggest frickin' movie of the year! So I'm wondering, do the Welsh raise boys to assault their family members or do the Welsh not understand what publicity means? Something has got to give. Sure Wales toils under the popularity of England and gets less press, but come on! I think the claims are a tad "batty", and given the propensity of the English to use words that seem to be bigger than life (or is it that we Americans have simply diluted them?) perhaps the charge of "assault" there is not as severe as a charge of assault in the US is.
It goes something like this, say he spilled a drink, threw a drink, tossed their jackets, pushed by them to leave, threw napkins at them "making it rain" or something to that ilk, those could all technically be assault. Of course, hitting, kicking, biting, beating and clubbing them sense-less could also count. Au paires from England have had a few nasty run-ins with the laws stateside, perhaps too much shaking going on?
It's troubling that Batman just saved Gotham city and is still a looking like a bad guy (life imitating the movies?). Maybe he just ate some bad jalapenos or was under the hard candy influence of MaDonna and her Kabbalah magic or the she-devil Sienna Miller, she gives bad press a pretty face!
Say it ain't so Batman? Is he taking a hit for Two-face?
UPDATE: Speculation is that the "assault" charges surround an action that might be either a "push" or "shove" done to the estranged and inebriated family members who showed up uninvited to Bale's hotel asking for money...
Even superheros have family issues.
I'm really thinking that there's a huge misunderstanding. And I just read your update and I was wondering about the mom & sister. I never hear about them...I only ever hear about his dad and stepmom (Gloria Steinem). I was kind of wondering if mom & sis weren't trying to get something out of this. It just doesn't make sense otherwise.
I have rose-colored glasses when it comes to my boyfriend.
Hey Sicilian: as more of the details come out, it's getting shadier than an forest at high noon for the family members. Seems to be they were setting him up and trying to sell the story- how lovely. Can you imagine what X-mas must be like at that household?
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